Not much to add... another beautiful day on the pickets.
Although I hate having to be on strike, it doesn't entirely suck. I am enjoying getting to know co-workers a little better, and it's nice to be able to put names & faces together.
And, and, and the weather! Really, could it be much better? (must. not. jinx. sky. gods!)
My main reason for posting today is to showcase this newest offering from the
Balding Boys on Broadway (aka BBoB). This video was put together with pre-strike footage, so no rules were injured in its production.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Strike - Day 6
Posted at 7:47 p.m. 0 comment(s)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Strike - Day 5
Nothing much to add - especially since we are now under a media blackout.
I can tell you that we will be resuming talks this Wednesday. Lets hope for the best.
You can - of course - keep checking the bargaining blog on the CUPE 391 page for more info if you so like.
As you may know the main striking point with the local is pay equity. The Balding Boys of Broadway (see this earlier post.) have produced a video to explain pay equity to you in an easy to understand manner. Hide your daughters!
Posted at 5:14 p.m. 0 comment(s)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Strike - Day 1
Well the first day went fairly well. Everyone was in a pretty chipper mood and the weather was lovely.
We got a fair amount of press coverage:
Globe & Mail article
CUPE 391 posting
Some CUPE BC pics
And a really super screen shot from the Channel M Mandarin news:
Also saw a bit on Global BC, but not as detailed as the Channel M stuff.
See ya all tomorrow on the picket line
Posted at 11:18 p.m. 0 comment(s)
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
CUPE 391 Goes on Strike Thursday July 26, 2007
Wish us luck
CUPE 391 post.
News 1130 story.
CUPE BC post. (Posted before strike decision)
Some background info.
The main CUPE 391 page.
Fairness For Civic Workers page.
Posted at 10:58 p.m. 0 comment(s)
Monday, July 23, 2007
A Century In Video - 1905 & 1906
This film shows a trip down Market Street in San Francisco in 1905 and 1906 after the big quake
The filmmaker visited the city in 1905 and took a trolley ride down Market & then reproduced the same trip a year later. The editor of this short spliced bits of both films together to give the viewer an idea of how devastating the earthquake was.
Here is a slightly longer version of the 1906 portion.
Although the quake caused considerable damage, the majority was caused by fires, complicated by a lack of water due to broken mains.
Here is a pic from the wikipedia link above showing the damage:
(click photo to embiggen and see a LOT more detail)
It was take from a kite flown @ 2000 feet. Click here for more info about the photo.
Posted at 10:41 p.m. 0 comment(s)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
A Century In Video - 1904
I'm the first person to admit that I simply don't get enough exercise. So I decided to check out some of those exercise videos that are all the rage with the kids these days.
I couldn't decide at first between all the different styles of exercise. Am I more of an aerobics type of gal, or perhaps tae bo is more my style? I finally decided that body-building would show off my "generous" attributes the best, and here is the video that convinced me.
You have to admit that this one isn't dated at all It could have been shot last week. Now all I have to do is find the right outfit.
I present to you Treloar and Miss Marshall
(Note: video is no longer embedable - click picture to watch on YouTube)
Posted at 8:23 p.m. 0 comment(s)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Mini Dachshund Club of BC 2007 Wiener Walk
Took Brat to the The Miniature Dachshund Club of British Columbia Wiener Walk yesterday, and as usual she had a spiffy time. I think she got treats from about 20 different people, so many in fact that we skipped dinner last night without any complaint from her.
Here's a few pics:
Brat showing off her cute butt:
I'm hot mom!
Dad checking out the Royal Canin booth:
Brat in costume:
You can't make me participate:
Here are a few of the other dogs in their costumes.
Aren't we groovy?
Peter Pan & his Tinkerbell:
Bathing Beauties:
Brat is so sexy!
And finally, Brat in her new harness that she won:
And of course I shot a bit of video.
Here is Brat playing with Bella. They really seem to enjoy each other a lot:
Brat also played the shell game. She had to find a wiener under a cup without any (hmmm, too much) help from me. If the person running the game had been paying attention Brat would have come in second. One dog was a clear winner, and one uncovered her wiener before Brat, but didn't eat it. Where can I file a complaint!
All in all, fun was had, sun was had, and tiredess was complete.
Posted at 5:03 p.m. 0 comment(s)
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Never Give Your House Keys To Friends
Explanation quoted from the PinkPrankProject web page:
Our friend Jacob who is a bit arty went to New York for a week.
We got hold of his keys and turned his tiny and messy flat into an art installation.
Behold the results! (In Swedish)
For pictures see the PinkPrankProject page. (In English)
Posted at 11:16 p.m. 0 comment(s)
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
VERY specialized bank
Very bizarre (at least to Non-Mormons) commercial for Deseret First Credit Union. A bank for Mormons only. To quote their web page:
Deseret First's charter is to serve members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints throughout the United States. We like to think this makes us different.
I'm familiar with some of the specialized banks we have here for people work for specific companies or in specific industries. Such as the credit union for the Vancouver police or the Compensation Employees Credit Union for employees of compo. But I've never seen one associated with a religion before.
I stand corrected.
Posted at 9:47 p.m. 0 comment(s)
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Monday, July 09, 2007
Wiener Walks 2007 - Confirmed Dates
Just an update to this earlier post
The first local wiener walk will be held July 14, 2007 @ 10:30 am @ Peace Arch Park. Very close to the American border.
Click here for more information.
Peace Arch Park map
The second walk is on August 12th @ 11:00 am @ Winskil Park in Tsawwassen.
More information here
Winskil Park map
Hope to see you there.
Posted at 7:47 p.m. 0 comment(s)
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Sunday, July 08, 2007
11 ~ 11 ~ 11
Spinal Tap rocked at the Life Earth concert. Well worth watching.
Here is a YouTube video from the Wembley concert. For better quality go to the London Concert Page on Live Earth and scroll to Spinal Tap in the "now playing" box on the left. Worth the watch.
Big Bottom (Played with every bass player @ the concert)
There were many other great performers there as well. All the concert footage can be accessed with the above link by choosing the country from the bottom of the page.
Posted at 4:52 p.m. 0 comment(s)
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Saturday, July 07, 2007
Dah, Da, Dahhhhhhh (Updated)
Five seconds of simple pleasure.
You're welcome.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Seems that people have been having a lot of fun with this video and adding their own touches. The best of the lot is taken from the show "Lost". I don't watch the show and I still find this amusing:
There are a few other versions on the College Humor site.
And here is the original clip that started the whole thing (in Japanese with subtitles) As you will see the chipmunk is really a prairie dog.
And btw, today is supposed to be a really lucky day according to this Live Science article along with other sources
Posted at 9:12 p.m. 0 comment(s)
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Thursday, July 05, 2007
A Century In Video - 1903
Another Edison film - Coney Island 1903-1904
I like how this one gives you a real feel for everyday life @ the turn of the century, although played for laughs.
Posted at 8:30 p.m. 0 comment(s)