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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I'm Dry, Here's Some (Unrelated ) Filler

I'm tired and cranky, so I'm giving you linkage and absolutely no substance.

Weather Bonk is a really cool weather site.

Search for your location & click on the temperatures for more info and forecasts. Also shows local webcams.

Have a little someone in your life that you really, really hate? Peruse the the 10 most dangerous toys of all time for some great gift ideas.

When I was a kid my favourite cartoon was anything with Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner in it. Just once I wanted to see the coyote win, but like a baby on a sitcom it would only have ruined the show.

One of the things I enjoyed about their shows was that they didn't live by the same rules as the rest of the (real) world. Go ahead and run off a cliff. I guarantee that you'll start falling long before you notice how high up your are. Not in the cartoon world. Of course these are known as the laws of cartoon physics. A very enjoyable read. If you want more another slightly different version is here.

have fun kids, I'm outta here

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