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Friday, April 27, 2007

Pet Food Recall Update

There is more and more disturbing info on the pet food recall.

More companies have recalled their food and now wet food is included in the recall.

Instead of re-inventing the wheel by posting the details, I decided to point you to a handy site that can give you all the info you need.

The Dogster blog has a Pet Food Recall Alerts section.

Worth checking out.

Also of worth. The FDA has a section on the recall: FDA pet food recall

For Canadians ~~~
I have been unable to find a Canadian equivalent (yes I tried the Canadian Food Inspection Agency), so I would still recommend regularly checking the CANADIAN site for your brand of pet food. I have noticed that for at least some brands different foods have been recalled in Canada and the States.

And one more useful site: The Petfood List. List foods by brand. Both recalled and non-recalled foods.

Again, this is an American list, so Canadians should confirm with their pet food websites.

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