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Friday, September 14, 2007

Strike - Day 50

Day 50 - Jesus wept!

My original post is below the tilde line - I was about to post it when I decided to check the various CUPE sites for any updates. I wasn't expecting anything because (I thought) there was a media blackout.

How wrong I was:

City of Vancouver and Vancouver Public Library break off talks

Well steal my pants and call me Aunt Matilda - words fail me.


From the CUPE 391 blog.

From the CBC, noting that this is the city's second longest strike.

For the sake of 'balance' here the library press release.

If you are not a member of CUPE 391, please keep in mind that information in the press release is blatantly wrong. We do NOT have a problem with the 5 year / 17.5 offer. Our big issue is - and always has been - pay equity. I urge anyone who doesn't understand our issues (and this would seem to include the city / library negotiators) to read the front page on the CUPE 391 site. It explains it better then I can.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Original post ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A clip previously unseen by me. Global noon news interview with Spam Sullivan from two plus weeks ago. No new info here, (and with the media blackout no new news for awhile), but a couple of interesting points.

1. Mayor Sullivan is looking very, very uncomfortable.
2. He seems to think that politicians shouldn't be involved with contract negotiations. Really?
3. According to Randene Neill, job security and whistle blower protection are "little things"
4. I have never seen Ms. Neill so agitated before (or at all for that matter)

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